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ICP monitors and ICP probes

Spiegelberg GmbH has been producing products for neurosurgery and neurointensive medicine since the mid-1980s. They focus on high-precision monitors and probes for brain pressure measurement as well as catheters for CSF and blood drainage and EVD kits.

ICP monitors

All Spiegelberg ICP monitors have a practical plug-and-play function: After inserting the air chamber probe you connect it, switch on the monitor and wait for the automatic calibration.

ICP probes – for measuring intracranial pressure

All Spiegelberg ventricular ICP probes have 2 functions in one product: ICP measurement and drainage.

Catheters & EVD kits

Spiegelberg offers high-quality medical products such as neurosurgical catheters in sizes 6F, 8F or 10F as tunnel or screw versions.

IAP catheters for measuring intraabdominal pressure

The Spiegelberg IAP catheter continuously measures intra-abdominal pressure through the air chamber at the catheter tip and is compatible with all Spiegelberg ICP monitors.